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Wednesday, November 26,11:44 PM
-another chalet

yoz guys.
as you all know, most of us didnt appeal success.
grats kw for getting in 3f. =)

uhh, i know it seems weird and pointless or what..
but i am thinking of organising another chalet on 15,16 Dec.
obviously, it will be much cheaper. and if 20+ go, it will cost less than $10.
and.. the chalet will be at coasta sands.

so, can give me an ans on the tagboard?

tq alot guys.


Thursday, November 20,9:03 PM

Hey 2H (;

Two years we've been together. A period too long for us to get acquainted, but too short for us to truly learn to appreciate one another.

As this chapter of our lives ends with a full-stop, we begin to treasure things we used to groan about, things we never thought would make a difference when they're gone. Like, having our dearest monitress initiate the '3 cheers for 2H' thing, Jonan and his racist jokes, KarWee and LJH's gay love, SJH's 'waaaaaaaaaah!', being ushered by WenLiu to go out for recess, sitting in the parade sq as a class, assembling in the sports hall as 2H, clapping and cheering whenever we win something, however not-so-significant it is, working together as a class, hanging around in class after school and what not.

People like RH, Elaine, LiWen, Darren, Vivian etc., I won't be talking about them much. Because I'll be in the same class with them for the next two years anyway. (: It's the group of people who will be moving on to other classes that I will miss. It's the feeling that we exist as a class that I can't seem to find anymore.

What's gone is gone. True, no point crying and weeping over stuff that will never come back. Sometimes, things that are gone will be gone forever. You've gotta leave some stuff behind to move on.

It's just depressing that 2H has to be the thing to be left behind.

I will miss ushering you people to sit down at the parade sq.
I will miss walking down the aisle every morn to make sure you've settled down.
I will even miss going to blogs and seeing the '2H!' under your profiles, and reading posts that basically talk about the same things that happen during lessons.
I will miss the jokes that KarWee and gang make about scrotums and Valent's magnanimity.
I will miss WeiBin and his pomegranate waterbottle(!).
I will miss exchanging knowing glances with the girls cluttered at the back of the class.
I will miss dozing off and fighting to keep my eyelids open during (boring) lessons.
I will miss having GuanTing turn around to disturb/irritate/chat with me.
I will miss having John tap on my table or turning around from in front to ask for answers.
I will miss PeiYu's loud (and funny :D) laughter and her never-ending bicker with LiWen and Elaine.
I will miss PeiLing's humorous character.
I will miss JiaMin's blushes when we (fill in the blank).
I will miss turning around and seeing April's retarded smile, that never failed to make me laugh.
I will miss YuKai and his clique, their cockiness, but unwavering co-operation and enthusiasm when the situation calls for it.
I will miss the guys' jokes that always liven up the lessons and have us cracking up.
I will miss having the teachers say 'Good morning 2H' and 'Thank you 2H'.
I will miss going to the LT, sports hall, science labs, ITRs, MPH etc. with you guys.

I will miss you guys, I will miss you guys, I will miss you guys.

We embraced the beginning of secondary school education with open arms together. We stepped into CCHY with rusty brains and eager minds in 2007. We grew from innocent young kids to mischievous and rule-breaking students. We used to hide in the toilet cubicles to make phone calls; now we walk past the general office taking pictures.

I remembered telling my P6 form teacher in an email last year, that even though school was stressful and my teachers were not very nice, I love my class, and they make me look forward to school. She said it's good.

No, it's not good.

It's fantabulous, fantastic, awe-inspiring, brilliant, outstanding, wonderful; the best thing ever.

We're scattered across different classes come next year. Inevitably, we'll grow apart from one another, to make new friends and embrace new challenges. But still, our roots are attached to 2H08. We'll grow away, but never pull away. Like kites. Whenever we're tired to soaring in the sky, we can always head back to our home, to enjoy the comforts of 2H08.

Some things change, while some never will. We'll have different classes next year. We'll change, physically and mentally, in time to come. But we're still 2H08. The one and only 2H08 in CCHY Singapore. Ever.

It's depressing to look at the class lists and realise that my good friends are all in different classes. Eunice in 3G. April, PeiYu, WeiBin, GuanTing, SenHou and John in 3F. KarWee, LJH and JiaMin in 3E. Valent in 3D. No more handing in the same homework, no more working on projects together, no more heading for lectures and assembly together, no more cheering for the same class.

We've grown and changed. From naive thirteens to adventurous fourteens.

But we'll still be together before school, after school, during recess and over the weekends during outings right?


Like WenLiu mentioned, it's very touching to see how you guys try to make it for the class chalet. Take RuiYang for example. He has bball matches and training, but he rushes to school in the mornings and back again in the evenings. People who couldn't make it on the first day joined us on the second day. Somehow I miss unit 2312 (right??). It's like, our home for close to three days.

Whichever class you got into, whichever combination you're offered, work hard and do well. Like it or not, it's gonna stick with you for two years, and perhaps the rest of your lives. Don't give up on yourselves just because you didn't get into your desired classes. Work hard and prove yourselves that you are able to perform better than your expectations. Some of us are feeling regretful now. True, it's too late. But make a pact with yourself that you will not allow such a thing to happen again.

We'll still be striving for the same big O.

We'll still be looking at the same bright future, although we'll be taking different paths. Someday, we'll meet at the crossroads again. And there, we'll witness how we all changed, but there's just that familar something hidden behind the flawless face.

Two H you know what? ILY<3


Friday, November 14,7:38 PM
-i posted!


i dun wanna tell you. LOL. read this post to the end and see if you've managed to guess it correctly. =D

right. so our sec2 life is coming to an end. i know most of you are upset with the school's arrangement, for one reason or another. i think almost all our cliques are breaking (correct me if im wrong). well, let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope that those who appealed will be successful.

i have to admit i may appear to be really quiet, anti-social, cold, whatever, at times, and that's probably the reason why im not very close to many people in the class.

but to all those whom im closer to, thanks for being there for me when i needed you all.

(ok i havent got much time to type out a very well written post)

i know ive probably said this many many times already, but still,

2H, you are my best class ever and it is here that i felt that i truly belong.

thank you guys, for everything.

even though we will not be in the same class next year, just remember these 2 years and continue to move on. make new friends and everything.

keep 2H in your heart.

i know it's not going to be the same next year, even though we will still be able to see each other, but there's no more laughing at things that happened in class, because they wont be common topics anymore.

all good things come to end. just remember not to cry when it ends, but smile because it happened. (i feel like ive just violated a copyright O.O)

When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

those who read twilight shld noe.



ok i feel like im repeating alot of things ive said before and i don't like that.

so im going to end here. i will post a better post next time. XD

im flying to taiiwaann tmrrrr.


(by now you shld have guessed who i am. if not, too bad. go ask someone else. =D)

,1:47 PM
-09 my feelings

DEAR 2h,
sec two life is coming to an end soon.
it doesn't mean anything.
all of us will be posted to different classes.
at least fate has given us a chance to be tgt and to know each other in the past 2 years

Although in sec 1, we were not bonded.
but in sec 2, the bond between us is growning stronger each passing day.
slowly.. but surely.

rmb the various events such as CNY+PulauSemakau+Bazaar?
we certainly have fun on those few events with one another.
the arguements.. the patching-ups.. the decorating..
at that time, we were working tgt as a class. finally.. =)

the last day of sch,
we won the 1st for cleanliness award.
the voice of everyone cheering.
the best sound ever.

the class party was not a booming success.
we are still not cooperating tgt.
however, the class chalet was a success.
we had k-box tgt, bbq tgt, sleeping tgt, gambling..
it was the only time i learn more abt everybody in 2h.
during the last night, nobody wanted to play the games.
and some of us refuse to cooperate.
but they still did it in the end.(after a little begging)

during our MRT ride home on the last day,
i was quite touched to see everybody as a class.
the girls crying.
the boys trying to make them laugh.
tgt cursing the damn sch.

now, we are going off our separate ways.
i think i will feel weird without yukai sitting in front of me doing his hair,
and chinyoung and jeffrey sitting behind me talking.

some of you may have gotten into your dream class,
but rmb to also pray for your friends who had not gotten into their dream class.

when u go on to your sec 3 classes,
make new friends, but rmb to keep the old ones.
create new memories, but keep the past times with 2h in your heart.
move on, but don't forget to stop at times to reminisce about your past times.
be brave and don't be afraid to take a step forward.
treasure the 40+ days we have left with each other.
treasure time, as it will never return to the past.
think before you say anything.
don't do anything that you will regret.

have a good cry over it and don't mope abt it anymore.

juz know that:
life can be unfair.
but we can still sit tgt in the mornings,
eat tgt in canteens,
have outings in future,
go out tgt,
hold more parties,
watch movies,
and a whole lot of things.

a little metaphors by me:
2h is like fireworks.
but beautiful.

2h is like jellybeans.
a variety of flavours,
but nice all the same at the whole.

2h is like disasters.
sometimes we quarrel,
but it all turns out good in the end.

let's try to adapt to our new life in sec3.
don't give up on yourself, no matter what you do.
do your best in everything.
come here to rant about your life,
and know that..
2h will forever be engraved in your heart.

well, i swear that i will rmb everything from karwee to darren to april to jiamin to ruiyang tojiajun to elaine to yukai to chinyoung to jeffrey to jonan to jinjun to weiling to terrence to avion to limjunhao to peiling to hongxuan to weihong to peiyu to guanting to haikal to jim to yiteng to sharine to simjunhao to rongher to emily to liwen to john to weibin to jiaxuan to senhou to wenliu to valent to vivian to wangyingto shanshan to suwei.
everything single stuff abt 2h, i swear i will rmb it in my heart.
know that 2h is the bestest class i had ever been to in my last 14 years.

i can finally say: ILOVE2H.



,11:31 AM


We should not be upset because of separation,
instead we should rejoice and be happy instead.
For we'll have chances to meet new people, make new friends, and live a different everyday.
Having a chance to meet new friends, isn't that a good thing?
We didn't cherish these past 2 years,
to start cherishing now, isn't it too late?
But, at least we know to cherish.
Only separation will make us stronger.


,1:08 AM
-Forever Love

再好听的歌, 也有听完的一刻。
再美好的梦, 也有做完的一秒。
再好看的电影, 也有落幕的一天。
再好读的故事书, 也有读完的一秒。

就算是最长的电影, 也不可能永远不结束。
就算是最长的路, 也不可能永远走不完。

现在, 我们都必须用一张新的稿纸, 写出新的文章。


虽然说是分开, 但也只不过是分班!
以后, 我们也一样可以一起在外过夜玩乐。

天下无不散之宴席, 就算这一次的宴会结束了,

所以, 大家不要伤心!
2H'08 永远一条心!


,12:28 AM

this is the procedure.
rmb to write a formal letter.
and try to be convincing.
good luck all.

this is the format of a formal letter.
rmb what ms kaur & mdm sue had taught us?
apply all those writing skills now.
P.S rmb to add ur parents' signature.



Thursday, November 13,8:54 PM

2H'o8 Stays As One (:

Hello 2H. Try&Guess who am i. (:
Alright. My first post over here.
Results were already out and i knew we were all devastated, since we've to part.

Time flies when we are having fun..
I believe all of us enjoyed staying&working as one, 2H'o8. ;D

As a class, we've been through thick&thin, & is a v.bonded class, agrees?
the recent class-chalet was a success. Even though there were some of us who have cca going on, they still came back to the chalet after their cca. imagine, from pasir ris to yishun and back to pasir ris. aren't these ppl awesome? they really appreciated the class chalet.

Lastly, even if we are going to separate into various classes, we'll still have 2H'o8 in our heart.
Cos this class really ROCKS!
In our life, there will always be times where we meet separation. Just like how we parted with Mdm Sue & Mr Ang.
Even so, we still remember and love them deeply..

before i put a fullstop to this post, can we altogether give a 3-cheers to 2H'o8? ;)
i miss&LOVE you guys. hugs*

together, we cried & cried & cried

♥it's totally 2H'o8; you guys're GREAT.



Wednesday, November 12,10:46 PM

Class lists are out 2H. (though many of you already know your classes, but..)
For those who got into th class you wanted, Congrats. :-D
Well for those who didnt, try to appeal, and Good Luck.
We may be separated into different classes all over, but you know we'll always be 2H'08.
Class chalet ended today.
Hope you all had fun, coz i certainly did.
Th organisers did our best to try to make this chalet a success.
Whether it is or not, it's up to you to say.
For all I can say is.......
2H'08 is th bestest-est-est-est-est (continue) I've ever had. really.
th memories forged will never be erased easily, these will stay with me for a long, long time.
from a class divided into one so bonded,
I guess only we know what it feels like to go through (idk what word)
Uhm, 过程 or smth?? :-O
Its difficult for strangers or others to feel th same.
....................................... (idk what to say seriously)
th thought of being in diff classes just scares me.
Picz for class chalet will be up soon. :)


Sunday, November 9,12:39 PM
-impt notice

-------TAKE NOTE-------




Saturday, November 1,11:00 AM
-Class Chalet

yoz . here to post abt the class chalet.
is in a rush so will have some typo errors.

okay .

Details on where to meet

DATE: 10th Nov
Place: Outside Yishun MRT station
Transport: MRT & bus
Time: 9.45 - 10am.

Things to bring:
-towel x1
-2H class tee
-extra shirt x3
-shorts x 3
-plastic bag to store your dirty clothes x2
-slippers (if u are wearing shoes)
-sleeping bag, ur own extra pillow or what. ( if u want to slp on the hard floor, i don't mind)
-toothbrush & toothpaste
-soap ( u all can share )
-Money ( at least $40 )
-any card u have that will give u discount
-poker cards
-anything that u think are worth bringing.

Uhhh, John,SJH,Wenliu,Karwee, tq for helping to bring the tidbits&drinks home, please rmb to bring them on 10th Novto.
For those who is staying for 1night or juz coming, juz bring accordingly.
E.g those not staying juz bring 1 set of clothes to change.
Ohh ya, those staying for 1night, i recommend u all to stay in the 2nd night.
We will PLAY GAMES TGT throughout the 2nd night.
AND nobody is allowed to sleep. unless u are really tired.
this is for those who are stubborn and do not want to take photos. hahs
lols. so..
some of the games we are playing are probably truth or dare, spin the bottle and so on.. most are still under consideration.
P.S pls state at the tagboard that u have read this post. or else i will call u or sms u. to prevent this stuff happening to u, juz TAG an 'ok' !
tq all. the deadline for tagging is by 1st Nov 11.59pm.


You know you don't have a reason to hate us.
If you do that's probably because we rock and you're sore.


Class of 2H♥ 2008
But we'll never forget 1H'07. (:

Bearers of Knowledge,
Seekers of Success.

Kar Wee, Darren, April, Jia Min, Rui Yang, Jia Jun, Elaine, Yu Kai, Eunice, Chin Young, Jeffrey, Jonan, Jin Jun, Wei Ling, Terrence, Avion, Jun Hao (Can I be your best fwenzx?), Pei Ling, Hong Xuan, Wei Hong, Pei Yu, Guan Ting, Haikal, Jim, Yi Teng, Sharine, Jun Hao (小不点), Rong Her, Emily, Li Wen, John, Wei Bin, Jia Xuan, Sen Hou, Wen Liu, Valent, Vivian, Wang Ying, Shan Shan, Su Wei

It doesn't matter where we go, 'Cos we all know one day we'll all come home.

C102's a nice habitat. :D

There are many 2H-s to come,
But only one CCHY 2H 2008.




Chin Young
Rong Her
Li Wen


March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

February 2010

October 2010

January 2011

June 2011


layout by twowayticket
image from x
brushes from x x
inspired by x