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Wednesday, June 15,1:31 PM

Hi friends :)

I bet no one reads this relic any more but a flash of nostalgia brought me here so here's a quickie. Enjoy the rest of your holidays and for the J1s all the best for CTs/MYEs! Can't wait for PW to be out of my life I'll pop a champagne and celebrate the day my OP ends seriously. The last time all of us sat around together we were 14. Now we're 17/17-wannabes. The hour glass waits for no one. Live and love life babies stay safe and happy! :)


PS. I suddenly remember #17 used to beg for Rape the Victim EVERY chalet.

Sunday, January 2,11:53 PM

Hi people.

Apparently it's me again, yae, hello. Give me some credit for my staunch, unwavering dedication to this website, won't you, seeing as I'm the only person who posted this year and last year. :( *cues applause*

Oh, by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D May you dears be blessed with bliss and good health in the new year. All the best for 10/1!

So our class chalet is from 5-7 Jan 2011 (we're all 17 y/o wannabes already! :O). It's at Aranda once again but I have no idea which room it is and which level the room is situated on. Because we've so intelligently (and coincidentally) chosen the dates on which school has already reopened for the poor children (just joking) it'll definitely be cheaper. :)

Here's just a short reminder with regards to what to bring as well as (some) details.

[] Money $.$ *PLEASE do remember to pay the appropriate amount to whoever booked the chalet this time, or we'll hound you for the money
[] HP/HP charger/two-pin plug
[] Any entertainment you can provide, eg PSP, Wii, iTouch, whatevz (Note that you'll be held liable for any missing items so please do take care of those pricey gadgets)
[] Sufficient clothes (about 2 sets, and maybe an extra one if you plan to go WWW or if you're worried you'll wet your pants in bed or you'll vomit over yourself or something...)
[] Toiletries & plastic bags to store soiled clothes

(Extremely) sketchy itinerary-

Day One:
Meet at Khatib MRT station at 1130 on 5/1 (Deard we'll meet you at either City Hall or any other station that's more convenient for you. Will arrange separate time.) *Please do let us know if you're meeting us separately or heading to Aranda independently.
Take train/bus (will confirm again by sms) to Pasir Ris. Eat lunch. Go arcade. Ahhhh the usual stuff. :D
Kbox at night or something. If you guys are sian of going to Kbox then maybe we can do other stuff like playing games (I promise it will not be charades again, really) or just talking... We'll see then. :D

Day Two:
Shop for food in the day (we have some very cute and ambitious boys who want to try preparing food by themelves :D ), play in the afternoon, BBQ in the night!

Day Three:
That day will never come.

Just joking. We'll go home and sob into our pillows.

For the BBQ we'll probably be buying the usual stuff - chicken wings, fish balls, potatoes (don't worry SJH and GT we won't let Elaine touch the potatoes ever again), sausages, satay....and maybe some wild mushrooms for RH.

I really look forward to seeing you all on 5/1!! :D I'll message you guys again to confirm the final details like where and when to meet, etc...

Till then, keep safe! <3

Saturday, October 2,9:38 PM

Hi dears, it's been such a long time since anyone made a post here.

It's been eons since I last entered blogger. It's been more than 7 months since I last typed the username and password. When the page loaded I was hit by a momentary bout of trepidation- that I've forgotten the password.

But it felt like my fingers knew where to go, what to type on the keyboard. It's almost like a reflex action.

It's barely a month before O's. We've come so far already. :) Do you remember how we used to run around and play catching in class? Do you remember how we used to groan when Mr Ang comes in for extra math periods? Do you remember how we used to cheer together?

It seems like all was a long, long while ago. All of us changed. Nothing feels like what it was two years ago. Maybe this is what was supposed to be: for us all to grow up, grow apart and eventually trot off in separate directions. But still I'm thankful it all happened. :) I'm glad for every bit of memory I have of you people.

My sec two days are still one of the best days I've ever had.

I don't know if anyone will still come by this place to check out information. But if you're reading this, I just wanna say GOOD LUCK FOR O LEVELS. :) Let's keep working towards the very end. I hope we'll all shed tears of joy in January next year!

O levels used to be such a far-away issue. And suddenly we're all talking about the tertiary institutes we wanna get into, what jobs we wanna take up after O's and so much more... In one way or another, we've all grown up, haven't we?

Till then, people. Cheers. :)

Still with love,

Sunday, February 14,9:04 AM



Let's all work hard together for O levels ok! 大家一定要加油哦!^^

Anyw, Mr Ang says we can go to his house for a visit on 20/2, SATURDAY, 2-3PM. So if you guys wanna pay him a visit, just lemme know then maybe we can arrange to go together or something. Hee.

Ps. Happy Birthday VALENT! :B

Loving you guys still,
EM. :D

Saturday, December 26,11:14 AM


In exactly 23 hours 53 min, I'll be seeing a portion of all of you! :D

Meeting venue: Yishun MRT station, first level, near control station (for peepo taking the train, don't need to get out of the gantry)
Time: 1130 (don't be late!)


I understand that some peepo (esp guys) find their black class tee a bit too tight/small. If you really cannot fit into it, then it's okay, you don't have to bring it. Ok you CAN bring it but you don't need to wear it. But it's a must to bring your white class tee.


BBQ food:
[] 100 chicken satay (sorry Rh)
[] 60 buffalo BBQ original (sorry Rh)
[] 10 holland potato wrapped in foil
[] 30 hotdogs (sorry Rh)
[] 20 fried fish balls (sorry Rh and Sjh)
[] 40 cheesy sotong balls (sorry Rh and Sjh)

It will cost around 5-6 bucks assuming 25 peepo go. I know it's not A LOT of food. But we have to buy the wire mesh, charcoal, fire starters, tongs, brush etc as well. If you've been to a BBQ you should know. If you still don't feel full that's ok. MacDonald's is nearby. :D We can go eat breakfast @ 0300 again. It's quite cool.

Two nights: $26
One night: $14
Come but never stay: $2

Please remember to pay your money to Eunice ASAP. She needs to return the money to her dad. We'll be putting her in an extremely difficult position if we don't return her the money soon, cuz she has to answer to her parents. So please do your part and pay the money to her. I know most of you are responsible enough. But there are some who haven't even paid up for the previous chalet.


After the class chalet, can you guys send me ALL the pix you've taken during the chalet? TYVM HEART YOU ALL TTM.

See you all tml! Count down with my on Msn kayz. ;D

Lots of love,
you know who.

Friday, December 25,8:13 PM


For peepo going on Day 1/Staying on 1st night/Staying on all nights, MEET @ YISHUN MRT STATION AT 1130 ON SUNDAY, 27/12/09. The usual place. :D

For those going on the second day, try to come as early as possible. :)

Exclusive what you need to pay for the chalet, bring around 60-100 bucks? At your own discretion. :) Just make sure you have enough for food.

Something we're gonna do on the first day: we will all go out and dabao dinner back to the chalet. Then we will tag all the dinners. After that, we will all pick one pack of food at random! So we won't get to eat what we bought, most prolly. :D

It'll be fun if more peepo join in!

Yep. That's all. :D



Monday, December 21,12:12 PM


Eunice is away for a cruise from today till the day before class chalet, so don't bother calling her. ;D (Ps. Enjoy yourself! :D) If you have any queries, can ask MEEEEE. :D

So here are the finalised details (sorry if they came a bit late :/ ):

Staying for two nights: $26
Staying for one night: $14
Coming, but not staying: $2
BBQ: Depends on the food we order, but won't be too exp. Prolly the price of one normal meal. :)

First day

Second day

That's the rough itinerary. The rest is pretty much what we always do during class chalets. If you have any ideas or comments, TAGGGGG! Or IM/SMS me and lemme know. :D

Just bring the usual stuff. Enough clothings, toothbrush, toiletries, MONEY. Jeez this is NOT a camp so I'm not going to prepare a packing list. Remember to bring poker cards ok. :D Any interesting games you have just BRINGGGG. Ok? ;) And ok la. If you all seriously wanna bring homework there to do (ahem ahem), then bring lo. :D

As usual, we're meeting @ Yishun MRT station. The time is not confirmed yet, but should be between 1100-1200 alright? ;) If I call/im/sms you these days REMEMBER TO REPLY OK. I need to know how many peepo are meeting on the first day.

Peepo coming on the second day, feel free to call us if you need directions. I think some peepo will be awake at that time. :D Heh, just joking. It's easy, really. Just take the train to City Hall, alight and cross over to the opposite platform, and take the train all the way to Pasir Ris. Get out of the train station and go to the bus interchange. Take the bus and you will alight right outside Aranda. Done!

But the thing is uh. I forgot the bus number. :/

That's all I have for the class chalet now, I think. Will be posting the BBQ food list after we're done booking the food. :)

ANYWAY! Li wen is booking the BBQ food for us! Yay. And her parents will be checking in to Aranda for us! THANK YOUUUUUU. :D Come, let's thank Li wen and her parents. :D

Love you all. Always and always. :D



You know you don't have a reason to hate us.
If you do that's probably because we rock and you're sore.


Class of 2H♥ 2008
But we'll never forget 1H'07. (:

Bearers of Knowledge,
Seekers of Success.

Kar Wee, Darren, April, Jia Min, Rui Yang, Jia Jun, Elaine, Yu Kai, Eunice, Chin Young, Jeffrey, Jonan, Jin Jun, Wei Ling, Terrence, Avion, Jun Hao (Can I be your best fwenzx?), Pei Ling, Hong Xuan, Wei Hong, Pei Yu, Guan Ting, Haikal, Jim, Yi Teng, Sharine, Jun Hao (小不点), Rong Her, Emily, Li Wen, John, Wei Bin, Jia Xuan, Sen Hou, Wen Liu, Valent, Vivian, Wang Ying, Shan Shan, Su Wei

It doesn't matter where we go, 'Cos we all know one day we'll all come home.

C102's a nice habitat. :D

There are many 2H-s to come,
But only one CCHY 2H 2008.




Chin Young
Rong Her
Li Wen


March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

September 2008

October 2008

November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

February 2010

October 2010

January 2011

June 2011


layout by twowayticket
image from x
brushes from x x
inspired by x